







2006-2011, 北京大学, 细胞生物学, 博士 

2002-2006, 中国农业大学, 生物科学, 学士



2021-至今, 厦门大学附属心血管病医院, 研究员

2013-2020, 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校, 博士后



任洁博士主要使用模式动物斑马鱼以及人类多能干细胞系统为实验平台,深入研究心脏传导系统的体内发育分化机制,并将其应用于人类多能干细胞的体外定向诱导分化,以期为心脏传导疾病的机制研究及临床治疗提供新的思路和方法。目前已在Developmental Cell等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文9篇,并主持一项国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目。




1. RuiGao; JieRen*; Zebrafish models in therapeutic research of cardiac conductiondisease, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 9: 731402.

2. JieRen; Danxiu Miao; Yanshu Li; RuiGao*; Spotlight on Isl1: a key player in cardiovascular development and diseases,Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 9: 793605.

3. Kevin D. Ross;JieRen; Ruilin Zhang; Neil C. Chi; Bruce A. Hamilton*; Ankfn1-mutant vestibular defects require loss of both ancestral and derived paralogs for penetrance in zebrafish, G3, 2022, 12(3):jkab446.

4. JieRen; Peidong Han; Xuanyi Ma; Elie N. Farah; Joshua Bloomekatz; Xin-Xin I.Zeng; Ruilin Zhang; Megan M. Swim; Alec D. Witty; Hannah G. Knight; RimaDeshpande; WeizheXu; Deborah Yelon; Shaochen Chen; Neil C. Chi*; CanonicalWnt5b signaling directs outlying Nkx2.5+ mesoderm into pacemaker cardiomyocytes,Developmental Cell, 2019, 50(6): 729-743.

5. Peidong Han; Joshua Bloomekatz; JieRen; Ruilin Zhang; Jonathan D. Grinstein;Long Zhao; C. Geoffrey Burns; Caroline E. Burns; Ryan M. Anderson; Neil C. Chi*;Coordinating cardiomyocyte interactions to direct ventricular chamber morphogenesis,Nature, 2016, 534(7609): 700-704.

6. Hongbo Yang; Longhou Fang; Rui Zhan; Jeffrey M. Hegarty; JieRen; Tzung K.Hsiai; Joseph G. Gleeson; Yury I. Miller; JoAnn Trejo; Neil C. Chi*; Polo-like kinase 2regulates angiogenic sprouting and blood vessel development, Developmental Biology,2015, 404(2): 49-60.

7. Feng He; JieRen; Wei Wang; Jun Ma*; Evaluating the Drosophila Bicoidmorphogengradient system through dissecting the noise in transcriptional bursts, Bioinformatics,2012, 28(7): 970-5.

8. JieRen; Anil G. Jegga; Minlu Zhang; Jingyuan Deng; Junbo Liu; Christopher B.Gordon; Bruce J. Aronow; Long Jason Lu; Bo Zhang; Jun Ma*; A Drosophila model ofthe neurodegenerative disease SCA17 reveals a role of RBP-J/Su(H) in modulating thepathological outcome, Human Molecular Genetics, 2011, 20(17): 3424-3436.

9. Feng He#; JieRen#; Wei Wang; Jun Ma*; A multiscale investigation of Bicoiddependent transcriptional events in Drosophila embryos, PLoS One, 2011, 6(4).



1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,82000314,FGF 与典型 Wnt 信号通路反向协同精确调控心脏起搏细胞分化的新机制研究,2021-01至2023-12,24万,在研,主持。

2. 美国心脏协会(AHA, American Heart Association),博士后科研基金,基金编号:15POST23090027,典型 Wnt 信号通路调控心脏起搏细胞形成的研究,2015-01 至2016-12,9 万美元(约合人民币 60 万元),已结题,主持。